

The Chances of Princeton, Yale and Harvard for the Championship.

The admirers of foot - ball in this city have seen the play of three of the competing teams in the inter - collegiate championship matches, and now await the event of the fourth. On election day the exhibition game between the Columbia and Princeton elevens afforded an opportunity of seeing the "coming champions" from Princeton do some of the prettiest field work in strategic play ever shown on the Polo Grounds, and last Saturday the strength of the Harvard team was exhibited in their opening match with the Columbias. In these two contests the Columbias opened play rather badly, but in their last game they rallied very creditably, and no doubt when they come to meet Yale will do better work than they have yet done this season. They miss one or two of their last year's team, notably that fine rusher, Henry. Thus far Princeton has shown up in the best form, and the team of '82 is by far the strongest they have yet placed in the field, while that of Harvard is not up to the mark of their '81 team. Yale is said to be much stronger in kicking than ever before, while the hopes of Harvard seem to have been placed on the rushing ability of their men. Experience has shown that while plucky tackling offsets the rushing of heavy weights, good kicking is not so easily got rid of, while a combination of first class kickers and fine strategic play in "passing" are the two principal essentials for success in a match. - [New York World.
