The city of Montreal has voted a subsidy of $350,000 to the Canada Pacific Railway.
At Manchester, N. H., yesterday, Ellery Allbee, the defaulting cashier of the Ashuelot Savings Bank, was sentenced to ten years in State prison.
Chief Engineer Melville told the Jeannette court at Washington yesterday morning some of the experiences of the Jeannette party after they reached the main land.
Henry Ward Beecher sat in the Supreme Court, New York, yesterday, as defendant in suit of Wilkeson against Beecher. There is an alleged breach of contract with his publishers in not completing the "Life of Christ."
Last evening Lieut.-Governor-elect Oliver Ames gave a reception and collation at North Easton in view of the election of the candidates residing in the Second Congressional District. Among the speakers were Gov. Long, Gen. Butler, Hon. James N. Buffum and Ex-Collector Simmons.
The committee appointed by the State senate to investigate the system of making corners in grain and dealing in futures, with reference to its effects upon commerce and its influence upon the public welfare, convened at Buffalo, N. Y., yesterday.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 15, 1. A. M. For New England, fair weather, westerly winds, becoming variable, stationary or higher temperature and pressure.
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