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The Sun gives the following sketch of Dr. Everett, who preached at Cornell last Sunday: "The Rev. Wm. Everett is a son of Edward Everett, and is said to inherit a very large share of his father's genius. Having distinguished himself at Harvard as one of the finest Greek scholars ever graduated from that university, he went to England and continued his studies in Cambridge. While there he became a member of the famous university debating-club, the Cambridge Union, and in that body, during that darkest period of our Civil War, when all England looked with sympathy upon the rebellion, he drew great attention to himself, both in great Britain and America, by his cogent and eloquent arguments in behalf of the Northern States. On his return he delivered before the Lowell Institute in Boston a course of lectures on the University of Cambridge, which were afterward republished under the title of 'On the Cam.' Prof. Everett has since distinguished himself in various fields as a speaker and a writer. He is said to be very eccentric, and his delivery certainly gives evidence of this; but, although peculiar, it is undeniably of great force. His lectures to young men have been especially admired."
