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A correspondent of the Boston Globe writes concerning the victory of the Harvard Lacrosse Team over New York : "The New Yorkers, who secured the cup by playing with union clubs round New York, were probably led by over-confidence to put it up again and give the college a chance. The Unions were excluded by the New Yorkers, and as they are very jealous of the New York twelve, they naturally rejoiced with Harvard. But if they expect to win the cup from the Cambridge boys they must make a big reform. This some of the leaders of the team propose to effect. Now that the Union Athletic Club remains merely as an empty name, the lacrosse men propose to come out and form an independent organization. An instance of the favor which the game is meeting at Harvard was the gathering of some thirty freshmen this week to consider the advisability of forming a freshman team. Much interest was manifested, and it was decided to go to work at once. They will probably arrange games with the fitting schools in New England, which are taking so much interest in lacrosse.


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