Board at Memorial for October was $4.25.
The Botanic Garden is open Sundays, as well as week days.
A number of Boston bicyclemen visited Memorial Sunday.
The salary of the auditor at Memorial has been fixed at $850.
Mr. Lutz will give a German reading in Sever 11 this evening at 7.30.
In the recent campaign in this State the "Widow's mite" was the greatest.
President S. C. Bartlett of Dartmouth preached in Appleton Chapel last evening.
Meeting of the executive committee of the H. A. A. today at 1.30, in 36 Thayer.
The freshmen are to have an examination in Greek a week from next Thursday. It will be entirely at sight.
Princeton defeated the University of Pennsylvania in foot-ball Saturday by 10 goals and 4 touchdowns to nothing.
At Middletown, Ct., Saturday, the Wesleyan sophomores defeated the Yale freshmen in a game of foot-ball by one touchdown to one safety.
It has been suggested that a figure of the Hollis pump would make a good seal to put upon the shingles of the Harvard Total Abstinence League.
Mr. Wishard, secretary of the Inter-Collegiate Branch of the Y. M. C. A., is expected to address the Christian Brethren at the next meeting, Thursday evening, Nov. 16.
Salvini will appear only four times at the Globe next week. "Othello" will be played twice. At the Boston Theatre the "White Slave" will succeed "Youth" in two weeks.
In the foot-ball game on Saturday between '85 and '86, G. Woodbury '86, captain, met with an unfortunate accident, suffering a compound dislocation of a fore-finger.
Shingles will soon be ready for members of the Harvard Total Abstinence League. A fee of twenty-five cents apiece will be charged to cover expenses of having the shingles printed, and for expense of having seals made.
Prof. Shaler intends to make six excursions with students of Natural History IV. in the spring term. Some of these excursions will be longer than those of this fall, and will require absence from Cambridge over night.
Six men of the freshman eleven have been disabled within a month. At this rate the prospects for the Yale game are becoming exceedingly dubious.
The subject of the debate of the Harvard Union next Thursday evening is, "Resolved, That England's course in warring upon Egypt was justifiable." The principal disputants are, affirmative - J. M. Hall, '83, P. L. Livingston, '85; negative - Paul Jones, '83, H. M. Williams, '85.
Next Tuesday evening Prof. Bowen will give his concluding lecture on the study of the English Bible in its literary and secular aspect, and the due place of such study in a system of liberal education. These lectures have been largely attended, and have been also instructive and entertaining.
The visit of about forty Harvard freshmen in a body to the theatre, about a week ago, is probably the expiring gasp of a custom long prevalent. They conducted themselves quietly, and made little attempt to make the proceeding a class affair. It is believed that this is the death of the last of the practices kindred to hazing and sign stealing. - [N. Y. Post.
A practice game between elevens made up chiefly from the regular '85 and '86 teams played a practice game on Holmes, Saturday, resulting in 4 goals to 0 for '86. The sophomores made two tries for goals from the field, but failed in each. The playing of the freshmen was brilliant in some points, but lacked steadiness in the rush line. The kicking of the half-backs was good.
A company of young ladies from the senior class at Wellesley recently visited the work-shop of Alvan Clark & Son's, Cambridge. After seeing the various departments connected with instrument-making, the class visited Harvard College Observatory, where the members were received by Professor Edward C. Pickering and shown through the several rooms. Professors Hayes and Whiting accompanied the seniors.
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