An interesting article upon "Co-operation at Harvard" appeared in yesterday's Advertiser. The writer begins with a sketch of its organization last March and its subsequent growth and success. Its plan is fully explained. Chances for failure are fully discussed and admitted to be great. Of special interest to our readers, however, is his explanation of the practical workings and systems of checks of its order system :
"The rules of the society require the superintendent to file with the directors suitable bonds, and to deposit in the bank, in the name of the treasurer, all funds received by him. All bills are then required to be paid within three days by the treasurer's checks. By observing this method of immediate payments, and by remembering that no goods of any value are carried in stock, that none are sold or delivered without cash in hand, that all second-hand goods deposited for sale are at owners' risk, that all coal ordered is paid for in advance, and that the society depends - not on its commission, but on its membership fees - for its support, it will be made clear that no loss can accrue to any one from the society's failure, and that the only things which can cause its failure are embezzlement or the dwindling away of its members. While these figures serve to show the actual purchasing fund applied by the society, the following will illustrate more clearly the resulting gain :
The reduction from retail rates obtained on book averages 33 1/3 per cent.
On stationery and note books 33 per cent.
On tennis goods 20 per cent.
On stylographic pens 60 per cent.
On fuel 8 per cent.
On clothing - hats and shoes 10 per cent.
On room furnishings 10 per cent.
On cutlery, guns, etc. 10 per cent.
On confectionery and medicines 10 per cent.
On pictures and artists' materials 15 per cent.
On engravings and flowers 20 per cent.
On photographs 50 per cent.
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The Soudan.