

Nearly all the post-offices in Texas are in charge of females. It works so well that males arrive nearly every hour of the day. - [Ex.

Two thousand dollars has been bequeathed to Boston University "for the purpose of clothing worthy theological students."

It was the eleven of Columbia, class '85, which sustained defeat at the hands of the Stevens Institute at Hoboken on Saturday and not the Columbia University eleven. The latter played their first match of the season yesterday with the Princeton team at the Polo Grounds.

Un petit mot mignon de la langue Allemande (on est prie de la prononcer sans respirer): Vierwaldstatterseesa-lonschraubendampferactienskonkurrenz-gesellschaftsbureau. - [La France Entiere.

"A beauteous cloud was sailing through the air,


And seemed to meward to direct her flight;"

cries a phrenzied poet in the College Mercury. Which arouses serious doubts of the sanity of the cloud to say the least, if not of the "poet."

Yale pretends to fear that she has been deceived in underestimating the strength of the Princeton and Harvard foot-ball teams. The News says: "A letter from a Harvard man says that their team did not exert themselves at all with the Techs. for fear that Yale would get too correct an estimate of their strength. In the newspaper reports of their games they are careful to allow few complimentary remarks to steal in. Yet all this while they are working as they never worked before; they are straining every fibre of strength that the college can boast, and when the great contest with Yale comes, their powers will be unmasked, but not till then."

The New York Herald indulges in the following editorial: "It is the usage of the Harvard Club of New York city to invite the governor of Massachusetts to their annual dinner on the eve of Washington's Birthday, and for the corporation of Harvard College to decorate him with the honorary degree of doctor of laws at the annual commencement in July. All this will come hard, we know, in His Excellency Governor Butler's case, not only on general considerations, but also in remembrance of a remark he once made about hanging Harvard professors; but we trust that the Harvard men will brace up and not suffer their prejudices to conquer their politeness. Go through with the whole programme."
