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The election of Gen. Butler to the governorship has a peculiar interest to all connected with Harvard University. It has always been customary for the corporation to confer upon the governor of Massachusetts an honorary degree of doctor of laws, and if the custom is to be continued, and Gen. Butler lives until next commencement, he will receive this honor at the hands of those whom he has always professed to despise, and who certainly have despised, if not him, at least his political career and his peculiar doctrines. It is reported that one gentleman of standing connected with the management of the college, expressed his determination if Gen. Butler were elected to resign his position rather than honor him in any way. If this report be true we hope that the gentleman in question will reconsider his determination and not give to the general any political capital of this kind to use in future campaigns. In this case, at least, it must be apparent to all, excepting, possibly, the recipient himself, that the honor is conferred upon the office and not the man. It will indeed be a curious sight to see a man who has expressed a desire to hang all Harvard professors occupying a seat of honor upon the platform on commencement day, and we have no doubt but that many, both within and without the State, will find the spectacle highly entertaining.
