Dartmouth's foot-ball team received an overwhelming defeat from our 'Varsity yesterday on Holmes, before about four hundred spectators. The result could have been predicted at the very outset of the game, for the visitors were no match for our men either in weight or skill.
During the first half Harvard scored 7 touchdowns and 3 goals, one kicked by Keith from a touchdown and 2 by Mason from the field. After the first 4 touchdowns no attempts at goal were made, but punt-outs were substituted, which accounts for the small score of goals. In the second half one goal was kicked by Mason and 12 more touchdowns were made by the rushers, each coming in for a share.
Our men played very brilliantly and steadily together, and it would be difficult to name the best players. It suffices to say that the spectators were supprised and heartily pleased at the showing of our team. The Dartmouth men naturally grew very discouraged at the up-hill game they were forced to play and often made feeble attempts to tackle their opponents as they repeatedly broke through the rush line. Our men tackled rather loosely but passed and ran beautifully, utterly demoralizing their opponents. Nearly the entire game was played inside the Dartmouth twenty-five yard line. The teams were as follows: Harvard - Rushers, Morison, Gilman. Cabot, Appleton, Hammond, Ayers and Wesselhoeft; quarter-back, Mason; half-backs, Keith and Crane; full-back, Edmands. Dartmouth - Rushers, Drew, Towle, Nettleton, Brown, Weston, Howland and Rolfe; quarter-back, Cushman; half-backs, Brooks and Oaks; full-back, Gove. Referee - Mr. Haines of Technology. Umpires - For Harvard. Mr. W. H. Goodwin, Jr., '84; for Dartmouth, Mr. Weeks.
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H. U. C. A. Race Meet.