


The first annual meeting of the Union was held last evening in Sever 11 for the purpose of electing officers for the coming year. The secretary's report of the last meeting was read and accepted. The vice-president, Mr. Hayes, then presented the seventh semi-annual report of the executive committee, in which the great success of the Union for the past half-year was set forth. The treasurerthen read his report which was accepted. In the balloting, Mr. C. R. Saunders, '84, was re-elected president ; Mr. W. A. Hal C. F. Carrier, '85, chosen secretary, Mr. W. H. Baldwin, '85, re-elected treasurer. A vote of thanks was then tendered Mr. Barnes for his services as secretary during the last year, and a committee of three were appointed to prepare resolutions on the death of Mr. Greenough Thayer. The question : "Resolved that a prohibitory law like the Maine law is preferable to a license law like that of Massachusetts," was then chosen for the next debate, and, on motion, the meeting adjourned.
