

There will be no recitation in Greek 7 next Saturday.

Mr. Loeser, '86, has resigned his position of director at Memorial Hall.

The Beacons and Harvards will probably play at Beacon Park, Saturday.

R. G. Butler, '83, is in the Columbia Law School.

The special students have been assigned seats in chapel.


A short-hand class has been organized at Yale.

There are seventy men in History 2.

There are twenty-four club tables at Memorial.

Natural History 4 will recite in room 2 of the Agassiz Museum instead of Sever 11.

English 8 will hereafter recite in Sever 5 instead of Sever 1, on account of the unusual size of the section.

The member of the junior class wishing to devote special attention to themes will give their names to Mr. Wendell in Sever 11 on Tuesday. Oct. 9, at 2 P. M.

The freshman class has been divided into eight sections in Algebra, six in German and four in Greek and Latin.

Students wishing to change their electives will meet Prof. C. J. White tomorrow in Harvard 6, between nine and eleven o'clock.

It is hoped that Mr. E. A. S. Clark, '84, who has been compelled to leave college, will be able to return in the spring and rejoin the crew.

The foot-ball association has on hand $80.38 and in bank $928.76, making a total of $1,009.14. Unpaid bills amount to $15.33, leaving a surplus of $993.81. In addition to this there is due from members of last year's team $56,00 for board at the training table During the year an outstanding debt of $350.00 was paid up.
