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It is at present a source of great gratification to the members of the foot-ball team to see so large a number of their friends present at the daily practice games. The number is constantly on the increase, as the skilful playing makes the game more and more interesting. It is extremely difficult to play a successful game of foot-ball without enthusiastic spectators, and so in the practice games occasional encouragement enables the contesting elevens to gain much more advantage from their work than they otherwise could. It takes but small effort for their friends to visit the field for a short time every afternoon, and all ought to be willing to sacrifice a small part of their time to contribute to the success of our foot-ball interests. The team has set to work with a will and have made a very good start on the season's practice. If they continue in the faithful work which they have undertaken we will send out an eleven this fall which Harvard will be glad to encourage and support. Let no one overlook anything which can aid them in this work and help to crown their final efforts with success.
