

Criticism on the Several Teams.

Many who witnessed last Saturday's games are inclined to over-rate Yale's abilities, because of a sympathizing interest in so young a club. Now, while this infant Hercules did undeniably well, still her playing was by no means phenomenal. The team's whole game was defence; absolutely no attack at all except as far as they got the ball on Harvard's ground in their determination to keep it off their own. They deserve much praise for their checking, covering, mutual support and everything that goes to make up a strong resistance, but they have not as yet shown that they can win. Just the opposite of this is Princeton. She is millions for attack, but not a cent for defence. Instead of sticking like burs to their opponents they try to carry the ball through the goal by a series of rushes, each man pushing on regardful only of his objective point. Let them once lose the ball in playing against such a club as New York and their opponents go through them like the wind, passing the ball from one man to another. It is a question of muscle against science.

In the method of Harvard of all colleges there is the happy medium. Her attack is strong, and yet she does not permit the enemy to make his way to her goal unmolested. But she is in need of practice. Some of her men fail in picking up the ball and in passing in the field. In the game with the New Yorkers, when the latter were tired from previous play, Harvard seemed to have slightly the advantage. But the question is very doubtful. Will it be so when New York is at her best next week? Much depends on the vigorous exertions of the team and the support of the college.

