No better day than Saturday could have been chosen for the lacrosse tournament for the Oelrich cup, at the New York Polo Grounds, the weather being perfect. The audience was rather slim, but interested; the fair sex following the fortumes of New York University as a rule, while the knowing ones were there to see "our city club scoop her in again." Six teams entered - New York, Bloom-field, Princeton, N. Y. University, Yale and Harvard, the rules being to play for an hour, unless one side made three goals before that time. Yale and Harvard were first drawn, and faced each other at 12 M. Yale played a surprisingly good game, and was only overcome by the better system of her more experienced opponent. The first goal was made by Noyes of Harvard in about five minutes, the second by Woods in thirteen. After that Yale resorted to a block game at her goal, and the time limit was played through without further scoring. It was a pleasure to meet such gentlemen on the field, and a still greater pleasure to beat them, foemen worthy of our steel.
The next game, N. Y. University vs. Bloomfield, was a poor exhibition of lacrossse, the collegians winning by 3 goals to 2.
Princeton then played New York, and though overmatched 2 goals to nothing, showed good individual playing.
In the long throw Balch of New York covered the distance of 126 yards 6 inches; Breen of Yale scored 111 yards.
The three winners then played, Harvard drawing the bye. New York had no difficulty in disposing of New York University, winning three goals before the hour. Then came the final match, New York against Harvard. The drawing had proven unlucky for New York, in that she had to meet three clubs with only a half-hour's intermission, but she showed her mettle, and still played her vigorous game. She now, however, had to deal with a sharper rival than hitherto, and the smart body-checking and passing on the part of both sides showed it to be the game of the day. Three minutes after play was called Harvard succeeded in driving the ball well down to the other goal. New York's goalkeeper rushed out to head it off, but it passed him, and Woods snapped it through the posts. During the stern fifteen minutes' struggle for the next goal darkness settled down, and it became difficult to pass or stop the ball. Flannery of New York got the ball on his stick, and carried it with a fine rush over to Harvard's side. He was met with a strong check, however, and as he fell backwards threw toward the goal. Four Harvard sticks struck out wildly in the futile endeavor to find the ball and stop it, but with aggravating deliberateness it rolled past them through the goal. A few minutes more convinced both sides that further play was useless, and New York accepted the game as a tie, to be played off in Boston on election day.
Harvard's team was Easton, Davis, Reuter, Noble, Goodale, Coit, Williams, Nichols, Marquand, Noyes and Woods.
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