

If the freshman class does as well as '85 in field sports, we shall have a fair chance of taking the cup away from Harvard at the intercollegiate meeting next spring. - [Record.

The Yale Lacrosse Club has applied for admission to the Intercollegiate Lacrosse Association. They expect to play a series of games this fall and another series in the spring.

Charles John Bell, A. B., Harvard, recently appointed a Fellow in Johns Hopkins University, has resigned in order to accept the chair of Chemistry in the Pennsylvania State College.

Yale seems determined to stick by her new stroke this year. Yale men in general seem to favor it, the News advocates it, and the Record says : "It was not their stroke or their boat that beat the Yale crew, but a misfortune which could not have been foreseen or averted. All that we can wish for is the same stroke and the same crew next June."

In the United States the only opportunities for thorough study of marine zoology upon the thousands of miles of sea coast of the United States have been those afforded by the private laboratory of Mr. Alexander Agassiz at Newport, and that of the United States Fish Commissioners at Woods' Holl, under Professor Baird; and before the opening of the Chesapeake Zoological Laboratory, the founding of a marine laboratory for advanced research had not been attempted in this country by any educational institution.


Tompkins, of the Yale eleven, is said to be satisfied with the material on hand for making a good eleven, but the losses that the college has sustained in the departure of Badger, Knapp, Lyman, Cuyler, Storrs and Eaton are almost irreparable. It may be a matter of interest to know that Waldron, '81, and Hutchinson, '80, are expected to go into the law school this year, and will probably resume their old positions on the nine. - [Globe.
