There are 609 members at Memorial.
The O. K. meets at 22 Holworthy this evening at 7.30.
Whitman, '81, has entered the first year at the Law School.
French 5 will take up Geo. Sand's "La Mare au Diable" first.
W. G. Chase, '82. is at present city editor of the Cambridge Tribune.
Greenough, '82, is teaching at Shortledge's Academy, Medea, Pa.
Rooms to let at 68 Mt. Auburn street. Also board at club or general table.
Greely, '80, has returned to Cambridge, and entered the Law School.
Tutoring in German and French. Address "Graduate," care carrier 402.
A lacrosse association with a membership of about fifty, has been formed at Exeter.
Rhett, '80, and Whitman and Nelson, '81, have entered the first year of the Law School.
The October Atlantic in the story of a "Merchant Prince," describes life at Yale, Conn.
No award has yet been made by the judges in the essays competing for the Toppan prize.
Two desirable season tickets for the Old Bay State course of concerts can be had at Drury's.
There will be a meeting of the directors of the Dining Hall Association at 6.45 this evening.
The Exonian says that a foot-ball game between Exeter and the Harvard freshmen is assured.
Greek II. hereafter is to be given only in alternate years. It will probably not be given in 1883-84.
Two games have been arranged by the University Nine with the Beacons on the 7th and 14th of this month.
There will be a meeting of the class of '85 Thursday evening, at 7.30 P. M., in Holden Chapel. A full attendance is requested.
Chapman, '83, and Burrage, '83, have entered the first year of the Law School, in addition to their college work, as seniors.
The oldest living graduate of Harvard College died at his home in Plymouth, Mass., last week Wednesday. This leaves the venerable Dr. Perry, of this town, who is 96 years old, the oldest living graduate. - [Exonian.
Prof. H. B. Hill has an article on "Substituted Acrylic and Propionic Acids" in the last number of the American Chemical Journal, published at Johns Hopkins University.
Harold Warren, formerly special student in the art department, sails for Smyrna this week, to make studies of that island. Mr. Warren has already earned a reputation as a fine colorist and a brilliant future is predicted for him.
In Natural Hist. 4 there will be several excursions during the year. These excursions are entirely voluntarily for members of the elective. The first excursion of the term will take place next Saturday and will be to Marblehead Neck. The time of starting will be posted Friday.
The chair to which the Rev. F. G. Peabody was appointed last year is that of Parkman Professor of Theology in the Divinity School, and not that of Plummer Professor of Christian Morals, as incorrectly stated in various papers. The latter professorship is vacant, and likely to remain so for some time.
Thursday evening, Oct. 5th, has been appointed for the trial of candidates for the Glee Club. It is hoped that all who can sing will present themselves as candidates on that evening, and it is particularly desired that the freshman class be well represented among the applicants. Only those who wish to try for 1st tenor or 1st bass need apply, as next week there will be another trial for 2d tenors and 2d basses. The trial will be held at Roberts Hall. (under Sanborn's billiard hall,) Brattle street, at 7 P. M. sharp. Candidates will bring solos if possible.
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