

There are 609 members at Memorial.

The O. K. meets at 22 Holworthy this evening at 7.30.

Whitman, '81, has entered the first year at the Law School.

French 5 will take up Geo. Sand's "La Mare au Diable" first.

W. G. Chase, '82. is at present city editor of the Cambridge Tribune.


Greenough, '82, is teaching at Shortledge's Academy, Medea, Pa.

Rooms to let at 68 Mt. Auburn street. Also board at club or general table.

Greely, '80, has returned to Cambridge, and entered the Law School.

Tutoring in German and French. Address "Graduate," care carrier 402.

A lacrosse association with a membership of about fifty, has been formed at Exeter.

Rhett, '80, and Whitman and Nelson, '81, have entered the first year of the Law School.

The October Atlantic in the story of a "Merchant Prince," describes life at Yale, Conn.

No award has yet been made by the judges in the essays competing for the Toppan prize.

Two desirable season tickets for the Old Bay State course of concerts can be had at Drury's.

There will be a meeting of the directors of the Dining Hall Association at 6.45 this evening.
