

The lacrosse team left for New York last evening at 6 to engage in the Oelrich tournament.

A game of foot-ball will be played today between the freshman eleven and the Roxbury High School.

F. T. Cooper and J. M. Merriam were elected directors of the Dining Association, from the class of '86.

The officers of the Philosophical Club are : President, Edmund S. Rousmaniere; secretary, Henry H. Crapo.

Professor George L. Goodale will lecture before the Lowell Institute on "Physiological and Geographical Botany," Tuesday and Thursday evenings, commencing Oct. 31.


Dr. B. A. Gould, a native of Boston, now the astronomer at Cordoba, S. A., who was the first to discover the comet, is a graduate of the Boston Latin School and of Harvard College.

A box has been placed in Memorial dining room, near the bulletin board, for all complaints and suggestions in regard to food or service. All notices put there with the signatures of the writers will receive prompt attention.

Prof. Shaler, with members of Natural History 4, will make an excursion to Nahant today. The party will go on the Revere Beach and Lynn Railroad. Ferry boat leaves the station in Boston for East Boston at 1 o'clock P.M.

We are glad to see that the Harvard Lampoon still survives, though the designs for the first number of the new volume are feeble enough. Cannot there be a greater variety in the "processes" by which the autograph drawings are reproduced? The pen-point is trying to the tyro. - [N. Y. Nation.

Clark beat Winslow in the final set of the singles of the tennis tournament yesterday. Clark beat Goodwin 6-4, 5-6, 6-4. The drawing in the doubles is as follows : Bullard and Simes vs. Beals and Sears, Clark and Denniston vs. Bonsal and Osborne, Gardner and Warren vs. Howard and Hoyt, Ordway and Buffum vs. Winslow and Rockwell, Mandell and Agassiz, a bye.
