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During the months of November and December the curator of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology, on Divinity avenue, will give a course of five lectures on Thursdays at three o'clock. It will consist of an account of the explorations by the curator during the last season. The lectures will be as follows:

Nov. 9-An account of ancient shell-heaps on the coast of Maine, with an exhibition of the specimens collected.

Nov. 16-The exploration of a prehistoric burial-place of the stone-grave people at Brentwood, Tenn., and of two large earth mounds in the vicinity, with an exhibition of the contents of the eighty stone graves.

Nov. 23-An account of the ancient cemetery near Madisonville, O., and of the singular "ash pits" found in it, also of the earth circles near by, with an exhibition of the large collection made during the exploration of the cemetery and the ash pits.

Dec. 7-The exploration of a group of altar mounds in the valley of the Little Miami River, Ohio, with an exhibition of a collection of objects, probably the most interesting and important ever obtained from the western mounds.


Dec. 14-An account of "Fort Ancient," Ohio, the largest prehistoric earthwork in the United States, which encloses an area of one hundred acres, illustrated by a diagram of the fort.

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