Dr. Sargent is examining thirteen men every day.
The scratch races between the freshman eights will occur next Saturday at 12 o'clock.
The candidates for the freshman crew are now using the rowing weights in the gymnasium.
The dining hall has been improved by the addition of shelves placed over the steam heaters.
Tickets for the athletic sports can be obtained at Bartlett's or at 7 Holworthy between 1.30 and 2.30 P. M.
The college record in pole vaulting was broken last Saturday by Harriman of Princeton, at Stenton; height 9 ft. 9 in.
Returns thus far from the class of '82 show that the following choice of occupation has been made: Business, 54; law, 45; medicine, 20; teaching, 11; ministry, 6; chemistry, 6, and journalism, 5.
The Cricket Club will go to St. Paul's School on Saturday to play a match game with their eleven. The train will leave the Boston and Lowell depot at 7 A. M.
A large number of the officials at the head of the present administration are college men. Arthur is a graduate of Union, David Davis of Kenyon, Frelinghuysen of Rutgers, Lincoln of Harvard, Folger of Hobart, and Brewster of Princeton.-[Ex.
The following-named gentlemen have been elected members of the Finance Club; Lee, Wingate, E. A. Sawyer, McInness, Hale, Crapo, Wilcox, Cummings, O'Callaghan, Schofield, Bolles and F. W. Smith.
The entries for the double tennis tournament close at 10 o'clock this morning, and play will begin in the afternoon. The final singles between Mr. Winslow and Mr. Clark will be played at 3 P. M. today probably on the Beck Hall grounds.
One hundred new lockers will be placed in the gymnasium, providing fifty men sign for them. We advise every man who has not been able to secure a locker to sign the book at once, which has been placed in Dr. Sargent's office for that purpose.
"The New Swiss Family Robinson," by Owen Wister, which many will remember as a very bright travestry in the Lampoon last year, has been published in a neat form by Mr. Sever. The local hits are very clever, and the little work well deserves a place as an odd piece of literary bric-a-brac in every student's library.
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