

Business meeting of the Pierian tonight at 7.30.

There will be a meeting of the Finance Club tonight at 7.30.

Meeting of the Christian Brethren tonight in 18 Stoughton at 6.30.

The awards of scholarships for last year have been posted in University.

Keith will possibly be able to resume playing on the foot-ball team next week.


Pendleton, 82, has entered the Cincinnati Law School, which opened last week.

Mr. E. P. Warren, '83, is expected to return from Europe this week to reenter his class in college.

"Familiar Sketches of Exeter" is the title of a book which is being compiled by F. H. Cunningham, '86.

The foot-ball team will probably play a match with McGill University (Canada) on Holmes field next Monday.

Capt. W. A. Bancroft, '78, has been nominated by the Republicans as a representative to the legislature from Cambridge.

The Co-operative Society has printed, in a very convenient size, an excellent key to the instructor's notes in English Composition.

Important observations of the comet have just been completed at the Harvard Observatory, and its orbit has been satisfactorily defined.

Warren Testimonial. - Two seats in the orchestra centre for the matinee performance can be had by applying at 24 Matthews at any hour Thursday.

Lost - Last part of last year, a black heavy overcoat, made by Messenger & Jones. Whoever will return the same to 8 Holyoke street, room 1, will, if he desire it, receive a suitable reward.

Freshman scratch races will take place Saturday at 12 M. There will be four eights. Prizes will be given to each man of the winning crew. Entrance fee 50 cents. Entries to be made to Capt. Borland.

The oldest American library now existing is that of Harvard College, established in 1638. It was destroyed in 1764, but was immediately re-established. The library of Yale College was commenced in 1700.

The following-named men from '83 have been elected members of the Hasty Pudding Club: John Chandler of Boston, John H. W. Edgerly of Brookline, R. P. Francis of Montclair, N. J., Edward E. Hale of Boston.

To let - In the yard, No. 68 Thayer.
