

The steps of the buildings in the yard are being newly pointed up with cement.

The proposed foot-ball game with Amherst has been postponed until Nov. 4th.

About thirty men in addition to the crew attended the crew dinner at Young's last evening.

Messrs. Dunham, Goepp, '84, and Whitman, '86, have been elected members of the Pierian Sodality.

A game of foot-ball with the Institute of Technology will be played on Holmes Field this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Admission 25 cents.


The office hours of the secretary of the Bicycle Club are from 1.30 to 2.30 P. M., Holworthy 1, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. At other times Holyoke 35. Subscription, including shingle, $2.25.

By reference to the advertisement in another column it will be seen that this year also a series of concerts is to be given in Sanders Theatre by the Boston Symphony Orchestra. The dates set are Nov. 9, Dec. 7, Jan. 11, Feb. 1, Feb. 22, and March 22. The sale of tickets will begin Nov. 1 at Sever's.

A lacrosse tournament comes off next Saturday at 12 o'clock on the New York Polo Grounds. The following clubs will contest for the Oehlrich cup: Yale, Princeton, New York University, New York, Bloomfield, Harvard. After the match there will be a contest in long throwing with the crosse in order to establish a United States record. Two members from each club will enter this contest. The prize offered is a silver-mounted lacrosse stick. The Harvard team will be made up as follows: Easton, goal; Davis, point ; Noble, cover point ; Marquand and Thorndike, defense fielders ; Coit, Williams and Ennis, centre fielders ; Nichols and Rueter, offense fielders ; Noyes and Woods, homes.
