Elliot, the English sculler, was defeated by Gaisel on the Passaic yesterday.
A West Virginia man wants to bet a $10,000 plantation against $5,000 that Butler will win this fall.
Mrs. Langtry arrived yesterday, and was received by a number of invited guests, among whom was Oscar Wilde.
An attempt was made to assassinate the king of Servia yesterday. It is suspected that the attack was made from political motives.
At 1.30 o'clock this morning the score in the Madison Square Garden walk stood : Hughes, 151 miles; Hazael, 137; Hart, 142; Rowell, 136. The latter's performance has been rather disappointing thus far to himself and friends.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 24, 1. A. M. For New England light local rains, followed by fair and slightly cooler weather, winds shifting to southwest and northwest, stationary or slowly rising barometer.
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Typhoid at Yale.