The Dartmouth Eleven wishes to play Harvard.
The college faculty meets tonight in U. 5 at 8 P. M.
Sixty dollars were subscribed to the freshman eleven Saturday.
No more games have yet been arranged by the freshman eleven.
Phillips of the freshman eleven was badly thrown during the game with Exeter.
The Theta Delta Chi Society convenes at Young's Hotel, Boston, Oct. 26 and 27.
The hour for the fall meeting of the H. A. A. has been changed from 2 P. M. to 2.30 P. M.
In the singles of the tennis tournament Butler won over Simes, 6-3, 6-4; and Butler over Beals 6-1, 1-6, 8-6.
Today, Monday, is the last day for receiving entries to the freshman athletic meeting. Entries to be made at 7 Holworthy.
It is rumored that Oliver Wendell Holmes contemplates giving up his professorship, in order to have more time for literary work.
The cricket match between the H. U. Cricket Team and the Longwoods, resulted in a victory for the latter by a score of 72 to 24.
A challenge has been received by the foot-ball team from McGill College. They wish to play a game with fifteen men at Harvard under the Rugby Union rules. It is likely that some compromise can be made in the rules and a game may be the result.
The 'Varsity Eleven played a practice game of foot-ball on Holmes Field Saturday afternoon with a team composed mostly of graduates. The weather was favorable foor good playing, and the game should have been very lively; but for some reason or other the play was slow and quite uninteresting. The 'Varsity won with a score of one goal and six touch-downs to nothing for the graduates.
There seems to be a new sentiment among college students against the employment of professional trainers in rowing, base-ball and other sports, and adverse to engaging in contests of any description with professionals. All American students will heartily endorse the action of the Harvard authorities and students, who have decided that the employment of professionals as trainers shall be done away with. - [Cornell Era.
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