

The death of Augustus Story of Salem, a graduate of the class of 1832, is announced.

The Bicycle Club meets this morning at 7 o'clock sharp for a run to Ports-mouth, N. N.

N. H. 7. - The train leaves the Eastern Railroad station, Boston, at 9.15 this A. M.

The Harvard lacrosse team defeated the Unions in a practice game at Cambridge yesterday.

The Longwood tennis tournament now lies between R D. Sears and J. S. Clark, both of '83.


There will be upper class men on the track Saturday from 10 to 1 to give advice to freshmen desiring it.

The vacant Parker fellowship has been awarded to F. M. Cole, '82, who stood second in his class at graduation.

For the future Prof. Bartlett will take charge of German I. on Thursdays, and Mr. Lutz on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

The following is the first eight of the Pi Etas from '84: Clapp, Crane, Darling, King, Mason, Nash, Ryer and Webster.

The Toppan prize of $150 for the best essay by a graduate, on some subject in Political Economy, has been awarded to F. W. Taussig.

The scratch races between the freshman eights has been postponed until next Saturday, on account of the game with Exeter today.

At a class meeting of '86 last night Mr. Burnett of St. Mark's School was elected captain of the nine in place of Mr. Bryant, resigned.

The third ten of the Everett Athenaeum from '85 are Rolf, E. L. Thayer, W. W. Winslow, Strong, Whittemore, Waterman, Harrington, Hidden, Ward, Winter.

Messrs Lowell and Brackett were elected by the Hasty Pudding Society as delegates to the committee to arrange for the senior class dinner. Messrs. Lloyd and Jacobs were elected to the same committee by the non-society men.

Following is the schedule of games to be played between the different class nines. The admittance is free, and the nine winning the largest number of games is entitled to pewter cups and the championship. The games begin at 4 P. M. sharp: Monday, Oct. 23, '84 vs. '85; Tuesday, Oct. 24, '83 vs. '86; Thursday, Oct. 26, '83 vs. '84; Friday, Oct. 27, '83 vs. '85; Monday, Oct. 30, '84 vs. '86; Tuesday, Oct. 31, '85 vs. '86.

We learn from the London Athenaeum that the Lowell Institute has invited Max Muller to deliver a course of lectures on the science of language some time next year.

The Cricket Club will play against the Longwoods on the Longwood grounds today (Saturday). Barge leaves Bartlett's at 11.45. The eleven to play against the Longwoods will consist of Biddle, Binney, J. S. Clark, A. P. Gardner, Graham, Lowell, Le Moyne, Mumford, Sutton, R. P. Perkins, Wyeth.

The Advertiser says in regard to Yale's refusal to prohibit playing with professionals: "The general view at Harvard seems to be that the rule had better be carried out and the question of Yale's acquiescence left to the settlement of the inter-collegiate base-ball convention, which may decide that any college nine which plays a professional nine shall itself be rated as professional. Such a step would prove a more effectual argument to Yale than the courteous ones hitherto used."

The following singles were played off yesterday in the tennis tournament: Le-Moyne over Sexton, 4-6, 6-2, 6-3; Rathbone over Cole, 1-6, 6-5, 6-5; Perkins over Denniston, 6-1, 6-4; Taylor over Bird, 6-2, 6-5; Winslow over Codman, 6-1, 6-2; Beals over Warren, 6-5, 6-3. The second drawing is Le-Moyne vs. Rathbone; the winner of Gardner-Mandell against winner of Agassiz-Goodwin set; Perkins vs. winner of Bacon-Clark set; Taylor vs. Winslow; winner of Butler, Simes vs. Beals.
