

The freshman class at Amherst numbers eighty.

The Princetonian will print the new foot-ball rules.

The freshman class at Williams contains seventy-five.

A new book of Yale songs has just been published at New Haven.

President White has supplied the Cornell students with a base-ball ground.


Prof. Beers of Yale has an article in Lippincott's on "My College Chums."

The freshman class at Princeton numbers 178. Academic, 134. Scientifics, 44.

"A full line of mibs, chinies, cloudies, etc.," are advertised in a Yale paper. For the use of freshmen?

A university lacrosse team will probably soon enter the field from Yale. An association has been organized.

The young skipper who takes a party of young ladies out sailing should content himself with hugging the shore. [Ex.

The number of applicants for admission at Williams this year was larger than ever before but the number of those who actually entered the college is smaller than usual.

The Amherst faculty proposes to form a "House of Representatives" from the body of the students as a council in the government of the university.

Trinity School at Tivoli on the Hudson offers a prize of one hundred dollars to every graduate who enters Yale or Harvard without condition.

Scene, chapel: Professor praying and certain preps studying - "Bless, we pray Thee, the students now studying here." Sensation among the preps. [Argo.

The sophomores at Williams rejected the resolution to allow the freshmen to carry canes, wear Oxford caps, and enjoy all the privileges usually denied to them, by a vote of 33 to 31.

The Stock Exchange nine of New York, which has been playing several ball games during the summer, was composed of old college players, three being from Harvard and two each from Princeton and Yale.

The necrology of Harvard and Yale during the past year indicates a tendency to longevity among educated men. Of the one hundred and forty-nine graduates who died, sixty were seventy years old or more, and two were ninety-six.

Accompanying a cut of a very astonishing figure of Father Time with his scythe and an animated clothes-dummy, the Athen&aeum appends this motto - "Western Granger to Snodkins of Harvard: 'So you be a collidge man. Wal, collidge was the makin' of me!' "

The approximate number of graduates at the New England colleges last spring, as shown by the lists of seniors in the official catalogues, is as follows: Harvard, 182; Yale, 154; Dartmouth, 72; Amherst, 65; Brown, 54; Williams, 45; Colby, 35; Trinity, 30; Bowdoin, 28; Bates, 26; Wesleyan, 26; Vermont, 16; Boston University, 15; Tufts, 10; Middlebury, 11; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 24; Massachusetts Agricultural College, 35. This makes a total of 803, of whom 335 are accredited to Yale and Harvard. - [Willistonian.
