There are no vacancies at Memorial.
Club table at 97 Mt. Auburn street. Mrs. Morgan.
Meeting of the Harvard Finance Club tonight at 7.30 at Thayer 29.
Laundry bundle left at Drury's, address unknown. Owner please call.
Associate members of the Glee Club can obtain shingles by calling on Mr. C. S. Hamlin, 7 Grays.
Meeting of the society of Christian Brethren tonight in 18 Stoughton at 6.30. All students are invited to attend.
Pierian Sodality. - Important business meeting and rehearsal at 7.15 sharp. Candidates on probation please come at 7.30.
Lost. - A gold watch and chain on Holmes field Tuesday. October 17. Any information thankfully received at 29 Little's.
The Yale University meeting Monday evening, voted to challenge Harvard to the boat race in accordance with the usual formula.
The next lecture on Economical Geology, N. H. 16, will be given in Mason, New Hampshire. Members of the course will take special car leaving Fitchburg depot at 8 A. M. tomorrow.
Hamilton Pollard, a waiter at Memorial Hall, was arrested yesterday by Sergt. Dalton for the larceny of three coats, owned by students. One of the garments was discovered in a pawn shop in Boston.
Prof. J. W. White has in preparation a list of subjects dealing with matter brought up in Greek VII. Students of this course will be allowed to write theses on these subjects and substitute them for forensics.
The officers of the Glee Club for the ensuing year are as follows : President, Joseph Dorr, Jr., '83; vice-president, Morris Earle, '83; secretary, Chas. S. Hamlin, '83; treasurer, Samuel A. Eliot, '84; assistant-secretary, Richard F. Howe, '84.
Prof. Shaler will go on an excursion with members of Natural History 4 to Quincy and Braintree next Saturday afternoon. The excursion will take place unless the weather should be very bad. Train leaves the Old Colony depot at 1.10 P. M.
The committee on the tennis tournament have decided to keep the entries for the singles open till 12 o'clock today (Thursday) in order to give those who have not yet entered a chance to do so. The entries for the doubles will not close until the single tournament is finished. All are requested to take part.
Classes in the subjects required by the Harvard examinations for women, which are now identical with those for boys, have been established by the New York local committee at Nos. 21 and 23 West Thirty-second street. The object is "to turnish experienced and responsible teachers, at the lowest possible cost to the student." The instructor in Latin and Greek is Dr. E. G. Sihler, late Johns Hopkins Fellow in Greek, and his charge will be proportional to the size of his class. "Earnest students not preparing for the examinations, will be admitted to the classical and mathematical courses. - [N. Y. Post.
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Freshmen Elections Completed.