

The following short sketch of the recent meetings of the famous Phi Beta Kappa is from the College Mercury of the C. C. N. Y.:

In the spring of 1881 the Harvard chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa invited the other chapters to send delegates to attend the celebration of the hundredth anniversary of its establishment, and to empower such delegates to constitute themselves a convention to represent the society. A majority of the chapters responded to the invitation, and the delegates met at Cambridge on the 30th of June, 1881. Some discussion was had upon the condition of the society, and upon the possibility of bringing the chapters into closer relations than had existed. The institution of a permanent representative body was suggested. The delegates did not take action, but resolved to meet again in the fall.

Accordingly, a meeting was held at the University building, in the city of New York, on the 18th of October, 1881. Sixteen chapters were represented. It was resolved to recommend the creation of a National Council, for which a constitution was adopted, that was to go into effect upon ratification by twelve chapters. Furthermore, a committee was appointed to prepare a uniform constitution and form of initiation for the use of the several chapters. The minutes of this meeting, containing the text of the constitution in full, were, by the kindness of Mr. Justin Winsor, the secretary, published in Harvard University Bulletin No. 21, and brought to the knowledge of all the chapters.

A third meeting was held in the town hall at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., on the 6th and 7th of September, 1882. It was organized by the election of Mr. O. B. Frothingham as chairman and Prof. Adolph Werner as secretary. The following represented Harvard:

The Alpha of Massachusetts - (Harvard) - by O. B. Frothingham, Boston, and George Dexter, Cambridge.

