The management of the '86 foot-ball team is to be congratulated on the satisfactory manner in which they have put the team on the field this fall. So far the work of the eleven has been carefully and energetically done, and the start has been well made. Now it remains to be seen whether the men are in earnest, and are determined to do successfully the work which remains for them to do before they meet Yale. This week being the first of their regular practice, ought to show a very decided improvement in their strength and method, and this improvement must come if they are to be successful in their game with Exeter next Saturday. Whether their first efforts prove successful or unsuccessful they must not let momentary exultation or discouragement affect their work, but must consider no victory important in comparison to the coveted one over the Yale freshmen, and no defeat so much to be provided against as defeat by them. '86 has everything before them; they enter upon their work backed by the interest of the college. May they realize their position, and by faithful work come out successful in what they have undertaken.
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Appleton Chapel.