

The college faculty meets this evening in U. 5, at 8 P. M.

A Civil Service Reform Club is to be organized at Cornell.

The scratch races were postponed until today at 11 A. M.

Messrs. R. P. Carroll, '85, and A. T. French, '85, have been appointed assistant managers of the University Nine.

The Harvard-Beacon game, which was to have been played Saturday on Jarvis Field, was postponed on account of the storm.


The operations of the Co-operative Society since October 1 have aggregated over $5,000. There are at present 672 members in the society.

The HERALD will give five cents a copy for a limited number of copies of the HERALD for Wednesday, Oct. 6 (Vol. II., No. 6), delivered at Drury's.

The Lampoon either does not seem to have solved the question of Harvard crimson. The out and out red of the Lampoon cover is altogether too frivolous for a staid college color.

The officers of the Everett Athenaeum are : President, J. F. Holland; vice-president, E. J. Sartelle; secretary, O. R. Hansen; treasurer, R. S. Gorham.

Superintendent Childs of the Mount Auburn cemetery, was shot in the face and robbed on Mount Auburn street Saturday morning at about eleven o'clock. The perpetrator of the deed, who got away with $600, is not known.
