

The university foot-ball team will not practice this afternoon.

The university first and second elevens will not practice this afternoon.

A waiter at Memorial was arrested yesterday for purloining table-ware.

Wanted. - A bicycle; 52-inch; Expert, Columbia or Harvard: full nickel-plated. 43 Matthews.

The H. U. Cricket Eleven will soon play the Lawrences. The date of the match has not yet been fixed.


Of the middle class, 23 intend entering Harvard, 5 each Yale and Dartmouth, 3 Brown, and several undecided.[Exonian.

"Forestry Bulletins," Nos. 19, 20 and 21, issued under the direction of Professor C. S. Sargent of Harvard, have appeared.

F. M. Putnam, F. E. Haskins, both of Princeton, and J. B. Reynolds of Yale, addressed the Christian Brethren on Thursday night.

As two gentlemen were driving in a buggy in front of Holworthy yesterday forenoon the rear axle broke near one of the wheels. No one was injured.

Among the entries for the working-boat race are Baxter and Perin, '83, and Penrose, '84. The entries do not close until 12 o'clock today.

Capt. Burch had the following named men out for a practice spin yesterday afternoon: Perin, Baxter, Jacobs, Coolidge, Keith, Hubbard and Sessions.

The first four of the superior court of the Thayer Club in the Law School are: Andrew Woods, N. W. McIver, R. N. Harris and E. P. Lathrop.

The revised edition of the foot-ball rules has arrived, and are for sale at Sever's. Copies were distributed to members of the team yesterday afternoon.

The HERALD will give five cents a copy for a limited number of copies of the HERALD for Wednesday, Oct. 6 (Vol. II., No. 6), delivered at Drury's.

The third ten of the Institute of 1770 from '85 are as follows: Krumbhaar, Lawrence, Taylor, Johnson, Baldwin, Lines, Coxe, Marquand, Hitchcock, Bradford.
