An important announcement was made yesterday morning in the Law School in regard to the proposed change in the method of conferring the degree of Master of Arts from the university. Hereafter this degree will be awarded for one year's work in the professional departments, under certain conditions of choice of study and of scholarship. No announcement of the nature or extent of these conditions has yet been authorized by the academic council, but it is supposed that the members will arrive at a final decision at their meeting next week to decide definitely upon this question. It is understood, however, that the year in which the degree may be awarded to members of the professional schools will not also count as a year of residence for those schools, though the work done will of course be considered in the course of study for the professional degrees. A standard of scholarship higher than that required by candidates for ordinary degrees will of course be required. In the meanwhile, in the absence of any authoritative announcements in regard to the new provision, all men who wish to be considered candidates for the A. M. are advised to present their applications to the academic council, who will decide upon the respective qualifications of the applicants.
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