


The governor of Madrid is dead.

The Mount Allison Academy in Nova Scotia was burned yesterday.

Several of the best theatres in Chicago are said to be nothing but death-traps.

All the churches in Port Jervis, N. Y., were closed yesterday on account of small pox.

It is reported that the Papyrus Club is making arrangements to entertain Oscar Wilde.


The railroad war between the trunk lines still continues, without any prospect of immediate settlement.

Sir George Nares, the Arctic explorer, has sailed from Liverpool for New York in the steamer Parthia.

Edwin W. Stoughton, ex-United States Minister to Russia, and a prominent lawyer of New York, died Saturday.

Hon. John Pierpont, chief justice of the Supreme Court of Vermont, died at his home in Vergennes Saturday.

In the French senatorial elections yesterday 64 Republicans and 15 Conservatives were elected. The Republicans gain 22 seats.

Upwards of 4000 persons have signed the civil service reform petition to be presented to Congress. The petition will be in circulation this week.

Saturday afternoon, Wm. Burke, alias "Billy the Kid," a daring bank robber, made his escape from the Albany jail through the assistance of his friends.

Willie Seymour, dramatic author and stage manager of Madison Square Theatre, married Miss May Davenport yesterday at the "little church around the corner."

A terrific fire-damp explosion took place Saturday afternoon in mine No. 10 of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., at Lanesford, Pa. Sixteen miners were seriously injured.

Geo. P. Eaton of St. Louis, Mo., preparing for Harvard at the West Newton English and Classical School, was drowned Saturday at Waltham while skating on the Charles river.

The sugar refinery of Havemeyer & Elder, at Williamsburg, N. Y., was burned yesterday. Loss, $1,500,000. Insurance, 60 per cent, of loss. One thousand men deprived of employment.

The physicians of the late President Garfield have had a consultation relative to fees. It is said that Dr. Bliss has taken charge of all the claims, and will present them to the congressional committee. It is understood that he will ask for himself $50,000; for Agnew and Hamilton $25,000 each; for Reyburn $8,000; and for Dr. Boynton and Mrs. Dr. Edson $1000 each. Dr. Woodward and Surgeon-General Barnes will get nothing, because they were in government employ, but it is said they are to be promoted as a recompense for their services.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 9, 1882-1 A. M. For New England, cloudy weather and rain, followed during the night by clearing, slightly colder weather, southwest to northwest winds; falling, followed by rising barometer.
