Charles Dudley Warner is spending the winter in southern France.
The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad is now completed to Denver.
The first action in the star-route cases under this administration was begun yesterday.
Keene's horse, Foxhall, and Lorillard's Iroquois have been entered for the London stakes, also for the Epsom and Ascot gold cups.
Arrangements have been completed for the reception and auditing of bills incident to the illness and death of President Garfield.
The stock market in New York yesterday was feverish but strong. It was reported that there will soon be a settlement of the railroad war.
Queen Victoria intends to bestow the Victoria cross upon Surgeon Edmond Baron Hartley for his remarkable bravery during the war in South Africa.
A member of the Senate committee on appropriations says the investigation of contingent fund expenditures has developed numerous irregularities.
The president and secretary of the national board of health advise that all post-office employees be revaccinated to prevent the spread of small pox.
It is probable that William E. Chandler will succeed Judge Hunt as Secretary of the Navy, and ex-Senator Sargent will certainly be Secretary of the Interior.
A severe struggle is going on between the two horse railroads of Cambridge, the Union and Charles River. The Union road seems to think it has a right to the monopoly of the business.
Statisties show that the smallest number of immigrants which has landed in this country in one year since the founding of the bureau of emigration is 54,536. The largest number is nearly 400,000.
The government of Nova Scotia is trying to form a syndicate in London to take possession of all the railways in Nova Scotia and complete those unfinished. The syndicate is said to have $10,000,000 for capital.
Mr. S. Dana Horton has returned from Europe, where he was in attendance upon the international monetary congress. He says that when the congress meets in April favorable action will probably be taken with reference to silver.
Edward Hanlan, the champion oarsman of the world, arrived at the Gilsey House, New York, from Toronto. He sails for England this morning at seven o'clock to meet Robert Boyd, the English champion, in a race to take place in April.
Guiteau's case is generally regarded as almost hopeless, but every one praises Scoville's defence in the highest terms, and the lawyers regard it a most skilful piece of work throughout. A doctor has made a bona fide offer of $1000 for Guiteau's body.
Gen. Parker, vice-president of the Pullman Car Company, says that nothing is yet definitely decided as to the consolidation of the Wagner and Pullman companies.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 7, 1882-1 A. M. For New England southerly to westerly winds; light rain or snow; falling followed by rising barometer; stationary or slight rise in temperature.
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Harvard will not row Cornell.