

Cut in History 2 yesterday.

Pi Eta meeting this evening at 7.30.

There was a cut in History 8, yesterday.

The proof of the midyear examinations is posted.

C. S. Society meets Monday evening, Jan. 9, at 34 Grays, 7.30.


The junior crew began to row in the gymnasium yesterday afternoon. Captain Burch has not yet returned.

The finder of No. VII. of Cases on Trusts will confer a favor on the owner by sending his address to 890 Main street.

There will be a special meeting of the directors of the Dining Association in the overseer's room, at 1.15 this afternoon.

An expensive and useless luxury - bath-rooms in Holyoke with no warm water when the thermometer is 4 degrees above zero.

A lady teacher of phonography thinks seriously of delivering a lecture called "A Practical Talk on Phonography" before the students.

One of the funniest remarks that we have heard about the HERALD is, that "the paper is good enough, you know, but the heading is r-r-rotten."

The following candidates for the 'Varsity Nine were in the gymnasium yesterday : Olmsted, Hall, Crocker, Lovering, Bean, Coolidge and Nichols.

"Books for the opery" cried the boy near the theatre, Wednesday evening. "What opera?" I asked. "Why, Foost!" exclaimed the vender of operatic literature - Fact.

The 'Varsity rowed as follows yesterday : Belshaw, 1; Sawyer, 2; Cabot, 3; Hammond, 4; Clark, 5; Hudgens, 6; Chalfant, 7; Curtis, stroke. Perkins and King also were rowing.

Prof. J. W. White has arranged for the use of the sections in freshman Greek and Greek 3 a small pamphlet containing a list of the most important Greek words, giving meanings, derivations, etc.

The skating at the "Glaciales" is exceedingly good now, and it would be a good plan to make arrangements to have a line of Herdic coaches run between Cambridge and the pond at regulation rates while the skating lasts.

Boston subscriptions are not a paying investment. The subscription price is $2.00 per year, and as we print over two hundred copies a year, the postage amounts to more than $2.00 on each Boston subscription. It costs us one cent to have a copy delivered by mail in Cambridge, the same as it costs to send one to India.

Mary Donnelly, one of the goodies who took care of the rooms in the north entry of Thayer, died Saturday morning, Dec. 31. She had been in the service of the college for seventeen years. She will be remembered by a large number of students for the kind and obliging manner with which she performed her humble ministrations.
