The total receipts of the University of Michigan for the year ending September 30, 1881, were $231,338.60; the disbursements, $224,076.12. - [Ex.
During the vacation the gymnasium was open for practice every day, excepting Sundays and legal holidays, from 11 to 1, and from 3 to 5.30 P. M. A large number of men practised in it nearly every afternoon during the holidays.
Mr. Pach is now having his photographic studio re-papered and repaired, and his assistant in charge, Mr. Baltzly, expects to be able, by next Monday, to begin his regular college class work. Seniors will make their appointments with the class committee.
The snow about the north entry of Thayer was covered yesterday morning with the charred leaves of a burnt text book. One leaf, whose edges only had been burned, showed that the book was a Latin dictionary. On one side was the word moneo with its definitions. This leaf took the hint and escaped the flames.
Lord Vernon will soon publish the hitherto inedited "Comment on the Divine Comedy" by Benvenuto da Imola. It was the intention of the Dante Society of Cambridge to do this, but it was thought better to allow Lord Vernon to carry out the design of his father who had prepared the manuscript before his death in 1866.
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Co-operative Society Bulletin.