

Extract from Mayor Fox's address last Monday.

In bringing to your attention our educational interests, the list would be incomplete without a reference to the ancient and celebrated university located in our midst. Founded only six years after the settlement of "the old town of Newtowne," that name was changed to Cambridge in memory of the English Cambridge, where several of the Puritan magistrates and elders had been educated, and it has been through its whole course a college town. The university has grown with its growth and strengthened with its strength. There are some who look upon the fair lands of Harvard with an eye to their taxable value, but the great mass of our citizens fully realize and appreciate the advantages we enjoy from its location among us. By reason of it the name and fame of our beloved city is extended almost world wide, a higher standard of education necessarily prevails in our schools, and the whole tone of society is influenced and raised by the large number of people gathered within our borders in connection with the university, or from congenial associations. There is probably no like instance in our country or the world where the relations sustained between government and university are so harmonious. In return for municipal care and protection, she grants our citizens the use of a library of 192,000 volumes, free lectures on the arts, sciences, or literature in her Sanders Theatre, and the use of her magnificent halls for civic purposes. We are indebted to her for kindly courtesies to distinguished guests, notably of late, when our French visitors, the descendants of Lafayette, Rochambeau, De Grasse, and others, our Revolutionary allies, under the escort of the representatives of the city government, were received by the president, faculty, and students in a most becoming manner. I should also recognize the interest of its officers in our municipal affairs. In our seasons of joy or of sorrow, the president, with a courtesy which I here desire to acknowledge, has ever responded to our call. Our board of school committee was long graced by the active service and the ever-welcome presence of good Dr. Peabody, and on our water board the scientific corps is represented by the intelligent counsels of Prof. Eustis.

I would bespeak the continuance of the same cordial relations between the corporation of the university and the city as now exist.
