


Subjects for Forensic III.:

1. Has the progress of the arts and sciences contributed to corrupt or purify morals?

2. Are there any other differences between prose and poetry than those of rhythm and metre?

3. Ought members of the Cabinet to be responsible to Congress?

4. Give Burke's argument in his speech on "American Taxation". (Burke's Works, Vol. II).


Due after the mid-year examinations.

JUNIOR FORENSICS.Due from Sections III. and IV., Jan. 11. Subjects for Third Forensic:

1. Does the possession of a good memory afford any indication of the presence or absence of other mental powers?

2. Is there a need for reform in the civil service of the United States?

The first three subjects of Third Senior Forensic may be taken by juniors. Due after mid-year examinations.

JUNIOR THEMES.Theme II., due Jan. 3, Sever 1, 3-4 P. M. Mr. Drennan's section.

Theme II., due Jan. 3, Sever 5, 3 P. M. Mr. Gummere's section.

SOPHOMORE THEMES.Theme III., due Jan. 12. Subjects:

1. "Gray's Elegy" turned into prose.

2. Description of the telephone.

3. The story of "Paul Revere."

4. Comparsion of the views presented in Bacon's essay on "The True Greatness of Kingdoms and Estates," with those in Sumner's oration on "The Grandeur of Nations."
