


George Drewitt, the trainer of Hanlan, is dead.

The Pall Mall Gazette appeared yesterday as a penny paper.

Dr. Green took the oath of office as mayor of Boston yesterday.

David P. Nichols, State treasurer of Connecticut, died yesterday.

Elliott, the sculler, is a passenger in the steamer Critic, which has sailed from Newcastle to New York.


An effort will be made to impeach the testimony of Mrs. Dunmire, an important witness in the Guiteau trial.

The Boston Bicycle Club celebrated the advent of the new year last evening by giving a reception in its new club house, at the corner of Union Park and Tremont streets.

The New Year's reception of President Arthur yesterday was an unusually brilliant affair, and many distinguished guests were present. Mr. Blaine was one of the first callers.

Yesterday was a legal holiday in New York. No afternoon newspapers were issued, and all places of business were closed. The custom of making New Year's calls was observed extensively.

Oscar Wilde, the apostle of aestheticism, arrived yesterday in New York, on the steamer Arizona. His chief object is to see America, and to introduce his new play "Vera, the Nihilist."

The floor of a hall in Shanesville, Ohio, in which the Knights of Pythias were giving an entertainment Saturday evening, gave way, and two persons were killed, three fatally burned, and seven seriously injured.

The New York Republican assembly caucus nominated, last evening, Thomas G. Alford for speaker, over George H. Sharpe, the last speaker, by a vote of 26 to 21. The caucus renominated all the officers of the last session.

A terrible accident occurred on the Boston and Maine Railroad yesterday, caused by the breaking of a bridge between Kennebunk and Wells Station. The smoking car, two passenger cars, and the postal car, were dashed down an embankment and burned. Two persons were killed and seventy-five injured.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., January 3, 1882, 1 A. M. - For New England, northwest to southwest winds, generally fair weather, a slight rise in temperature, and higher barometer.
