

"Pinafore" is to be given in German at Berlin, under the title of "Cupid on Board Ship" (Amor an Bord).

Mr. Robert Grant, author of "Little Tin Gods on Wheels," has been appointed clerk to Mayor-elect Green.

The annual foot-ball match between Oxford and Cambridge was played Dec. 13. Oxford won by two goals and a try.

President Darling, of Hamilton College, is endeavoring to raise an endowment fund of $500,000 among the Presbyterians.

Racine talks of having a Latin play at the next commencement. The "Heavton Timorovmeuos" of Terence is the play chosen.


It is said that nearly every woman in Russia, no matter what her rank, carries a cigarette case. Now and then the stranger is surprised by a pretty girl asking him for a light.

Longfellow, whom the fine winter weather has given renewed vigor and vivacity, condemns the system of little chartered school colleges in this country which have poor equipments, and of which Ohio alone has thirty-three. He is in favor of two or three splendid, well sustained universities. - [Ex.

On Friday last there took place the sixteenth annual reunion of the Yale Alumni Association, at the Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago. One hundred and twenty-five were present, and partook of a finely-served banquet. A letter was read from President Porter, in which he regretted his inability to attend the meeting.

It is settled that we are to have a musical college in the Central Park, and eclipse Cincinnati. Surrogate Calvin has admitted to probate Wood's will, giving $1,500,000 to the college. Freund is going to start a new weekly called Music, just in time to be the college organ, and has engaged Fred Archer as his organist. A Happy New Year to the wise Surrogate and the plucky editor. - [Ex.

An exchange vouches for the following: "The Wesphalian Zoological Society recently enjoyed an extraordinary banquet. The company were served with cutlets of lioness, a ragout of badger, a bustard and a crane stuffed with chestnuts and plums. These viands all received due attention, but it was the unanimous opinion that a crocodile steak was the piece de resistance. It appealed to the nose as well as the palate, emitting a peculiarly grateful and appetizing odor."

One of our professors delighted the third year engineers the other day with his views on the so-called "marking system." He argues, and with some force, that a lawyer, in order to find out what a witness knows, does not want a written, but an oral examination; that written examinations are often purposely ambiguous in order to hide ignorance, and that, in his experience of thirty years' teaching, "marking does not show, either absolutely or even relatively, the amount of a student's knowledge on any given subject." We should like to get the professor's ideas upon co-education. - [Acta Columbiana.
