

A Happy New Year to all!

There was no service in the chapel Sunday.

During the vacation members of the Annex have frequented the library.

Mr. Edwin H. Hall, Instructor in Physics, has been confined to his bed during the vacation.

Tickets for supernumerary parts in Mapleson's opera may be obtained by applying at H. 16, or H. 22.


Several of the College buildings were photographed on Saturday for the Forbe's Lithographic Company.

During January, the Rev. Alexander McKenzie, D. D., will conduct the morning exercises at Appleton Chapel.

Mr. Perry's lecture in English Literature this afternoon, on "Swift," will take place in Sever 11 at 3 o'clock.

Billy, the postman, wishes us to return his sincere thanks to those who so kindly contributed toward the Christmas subscription.

Will wonders never cease? A notice calling for the owner of an umbrella found in Weld, has been on the bulletin board for two weeks.

A large amount of snow drifted on the steps and in front of Memorial Hall, yesterday morning, which was not cleared away until after 12 o'clock.

Professor A. S. Hill will lecture on "Certain English Authors Considered as Masters of Style," this morning in Sever 11, at 11 o'clock. His special subject will be "Burke."

Prof. James will give another of his interesting lectures on "Physiology and Hygiene" in Sever 11 tomorrow at 2 P. M. His subject will be "Physiological Effects of Alcohol."

The junior crew is going into training immediately after recess. All the class crews will then be at work. This is very early for the crews to be in training, and speaks well for the popularity of the class races.

Estabrook & Eaton, 222 Washington street, have started a new brand of cigars called the "Sunday Herald." Like their namesake they are well made up, of good flavor, draw well, and a good thing to have in the house on Sunday.

The Greek play, with Mr. Riddle and Miss Cayvan in the leading roles, will be given in the Globe Theatre, Boston, on Jan. 23d. After a short run in Boston it will be taken to New York for five nights, thence for a trip of three weeks through Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago and other cities. A run of ten weeks is anticipated, as great expense has been incurred in its production.
