University Bulletin was out yesterday.
The Institute of Technology is to have a ball nine.
The mail for Thayer was delivered in Gray's yesterday.
"Michael Strogoff" is being performed in New Haven.
Two of Lord Beaconsfield's private diaries are about to be published.
Several men were practising pole leaping and putting the shot yesterday.
Billy the postman says that he will not be on duty before the first or middle of March.
Another attempt has been made to blow up the unoffending beech tree between Weld and Matthews.
A banquet to President Bartlett was given in Chicago last week by the Dartmouth alumni of the West.
The Ohio medical colleges are said to have raised the price of cadavers ten per cent. within a month past.
An overcoat, valued at $50, the property of a student, was stolen yesterday from No. 25 Holyoke street.
It is suggested that the cold weather was the real cause of the high prices at the Patti concerts. She does not believe in free-sing.
Prof. - "Time is money; how do you prove it?" Soph. - "When you give twenty-five cents to a couple of tramps, it is certainly a quarter to two." - [Ex.
Oscar Browning M. A., fellow of King's College, Cambridge, has recently written a work on "Educational Theories," which Harper and Bros. publish in America.
A number of students from the Institute of Technology start Monday on a five-days excursion to the principal manufacturing centres in New England. They will be accompanied by Prof. Whitaker and Mr. Beeching.
Full many a roll of pony leaves serene,
The dark, unfathomed sleeves and text-books bear;
Full many a crib is born to blush unseen,
Yet shed assistance hidden by a chair.
Andrew Lang has written a judicious and delicately worded criticism upon Poe's poetry for the "Parchment Library." It is in general somewhat after the Matthew Arnold school of criticism, which is on the whole high commendation.
The five years' course in the department of science at Cornell, which was heralded at first with so much satisfaction by many of the students, has now begun to present several disadvantages over the old arrangement of studies and classes. - [Cornell Era.
A new "meridian photometer," with object glasses four inches in diameter, is being constructed for the observatory. Observations with the meridian circle have been made on two hundred and fifty days of the past year. Eleven papers have appeared from the observatory during the same time, and its "Annals" (13th volume) are now being published.
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