The Yale News, January 24, says: "The Harvard HERALD, the new daily, claims to have a circulation of 5000. We are a 'doubting Thomas' on that item of circulation." That a few misstatements should occasionally be made in the columns of every college paper is not to be wondered at; but notwithstanding this, the News has no excuse whatever for the publication of a statement like the above. Not one single word concerning our circulation has ever been made in the columns of the HERALD, and to claim a circulation of 5000 would, indeed, be preposterous. A statement has also been made that the HERALD has a circulation of 2000, which of course is equally false. We can say, however, with truth, that our actual circulation is much larger than we ever expected to have within so short a time after the publication of our initial number, and moreover, we have every reason to hope that by the beginning of another college year the circulation of the HERALD will not be excelled by any college paper of its class in the country.
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