Remember your blue books.
No examinations on Wednesday.
Tomorrow is the last day of recitations.
An elephant has been named for Oscar.
The lecture today in Chemistry 1 is on "Gold."
Only one more chance for handing in examination books.
A last opportunity is given today to hand in commencement parts.
In the absence of Captain Dean, Crehore is coaching the senior crew.
The fourth number of the Harvard University Bulletin has been issued.
Prof. Allen's last lecture on Classical Philology will be given Feb. 18.
The Harvard gymnasium is closed in the evening. - [Decidedly News.
Is the Advocate sure that it is not 4,500? But that would not rhyme well.
Members of the Hare and Hounds Club at Columbia are competing for a challenge cup.
The third Senior Forensic is due from section 1, Feb. 21; section 2, Feb. 28; section 3, March 7; section 4, March 14.
Men of a musical turn need not again be reminded how little their music is appreciated during the grind for the mid-years.
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