


We are now busy at work again, and one could almost believe there had been no vacation at all if it were not for some visible proofs of the holidays.

Notwithstanding the urgent request that we should all return promptly at the beginning of the term, several are still absent and the chapel shows quite a number of vacant seats.

Dr. Chadbourne is delivering lectures in geology twice a week to the juniors. Our own professor conducts a "quiz" afterward, which is dreaded beyond measure. To a looker-on it is quite amusing to watch the progress of a recitation. The professor's face is immovable; she never utters a word nor makes a sign, but with stony eyes gazes at the poor victim, who blushes, stammers, becomes very much frightened, and at last sits down totally exhausted.

The classes in second-year German have a lecture once a week by Prof. Dippold. The subject is "Schiller," but he has not yet begun upon it. His first class was nearly paralyzed by his asking them to translate "Faust" at sight. Still they did struggle through part of the first scene, much to the surprise of Prof. Dippold, who expected they could do nothing with it. In fact, he did not believe second-year German scholars could understand him at all, but thought he should have to repeat all he said several times, retarding the tempo, and finally translate the whole.

Last Monday evening the college was the scene of unusual festivity. A reception was given to the junior and senior classes by the faculty and trustees. The guests were quite numerous, and seemed to be having a very pleasant time. They were entertained in and about the halls and parlors of the first floor, which presented quite a fine appearance compared with anniversary days, and the girls varied the black silk uniform usual at our receptions be some very dressy toilets. The "lion" of the evening was Locke Richardson, who gave a selection from "Henry V." Music and a refreshment room to be resorted to, easily beguiled the time till the coaches bore away our guests.


You may wonder what had become of the sophomores and freshmen who were not invited to this reception. They did not stand on the upper floors, looking longingly over the balustrades at the scene below. No, they went like good children to the gymnasium, where they had a little character party, most of them dressing as children and nursery maids. Dancing and games effectually killed the time, and without doubt the "children" had a much merrier evening than their older sisters at their dignified reception.

