

Meeting of Delta M. tonight at 7.15 in Sever 18.

The Pierian Sodality will give a coffee party shortly after the semis.

George calls his chum "To Rent" because he's always unoccupied.

The sale of seats for "OEdipus Tyrannus" at the Globe, will begin tomorrow.

During the first thirteen days of this year, twelve murderers were executed.


Only three men were conditioned at the Christmas examinations. - [News.

The Yale Sheffield freshmen number about eighteen less than before Christmas.

Some slight repairs have been made upon the roof of the chapel to stop certain leaks.

There is entirely too much noise among the waiters at the hall during the late breakfast hour.

The store-keepers in College Block are to be commended for sprinkling sawdust upon the icy sidewalks.

Mr. W. N. Davis will lecture before the Boston Natural History Society, January 18, on "Classification of Lake Basins."

At the meeting of the Everett Athenaeum next Friday evening, a farce, entitled "A Tragedy in Seven Dials" will be given.

The officers of the Athletic Association have decided to hold three winter meetings, two of which will probably be ladies' days.

During next week, and until the mid-year examinations are over, Mr. Sargent will not make any appointments in elocution with sophomores.

The Glee Club was invited to sing in Somerville Jan. 30, at the high school reunion, but was obliged to decline on account of the mid-years.
