College Faculty. Meeting at University 5, 7.30 P. M.
English Readings. Chaucer's Knight's Tale (continued). Professor Child, Sever 11, 7.30 P. M.
Commencement Parts. On Monday, Jan. 23, at 4 P. M., in Sever 5, another opportunity will be given seniors to propose subjects for their Commencement parts or to change those already proposed.
TUESDAY.Theme II. will be returned with criticisms to sub-section III. (C. W. Smith to Wyman) today at Sever 5, as follows: C. W. Smith to Tingle, 3 P. M.; Tonks to Wilcox, 3.30; Williams to Wyman, 4.
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No HeadlineRecommended Articles
No HeadlineAlthough the many innovations in the method of conducting the required English courses of the senior and junior year's have
No HeadlineCommencement parts have been provisionally assigned as follows : Orations - Grandgent, Hodges, McInnes. Dissertations - O'Callaghan, Lloyd, Haskell, Loeb,
No HeadlineWe are glad to learn that the instructors who have charge of the commencement parts this year will make an
No HeadlineIn speaking of this subject we cannot refrain from saying a few words in regard to the number of parts
University Calendar.President and Fellows of Harvard College. Adjourned meeting at No. 50 State St., Boston, 11 a.m. Philosophy 9 (Education and