

Lampoon out today.

Glee Glub rehearsal this evening.

Lecture in Chemistry 2 at 10 A. M. tomorrow.

Mr. Otis, '81, returned from a trip to Florida yesterday morning.

Billy, the postman, says his Christmas present comes in handy now.


Yesterday was Founder's Day at Cornell, and consequently no college exercises were held.

Mr. F. R. Burton addressed the Massachusetts Woman Suffrage Association yesterday afternoon.

Notwithstanding the bad weather, there was a very good attendance at chapel yesterday morning.

Some of the appointments in elocution have been suspended until after the mid-year examinations.

A New York broker says Oscar Wilde is "straddling the market" - short on trousers and long on brains.

A large attendance is now noted at the gymnasium, as well as at the library. "Mens sana in corpore sano."

Mr. G. T. Hartshorn, '82, who has been connected with the Pierian Sodality for the last three years, has resigned.

There is considerable complaint in regard to the reading-room of the library being uncomfortably cold for those studying.

The Christian Brethren meet this evening at 7.30 at Stoughton 18, for the election of officers. All members are requested to be present.

The clock at Memorial Hall is over five minutes fast, and the belated arrival after prayers is apt to find his breakfast "all gone down stairs, sah."
