Sophomore Themes. - Theme III. due Jan. 12. Subjects: 1. "Gray's Elegy" turned into prose. 2. Description of the telephone. 3. The story of "Paul Revere." 4. Comparison of the views presented in Bacon's essay on "The True Greatness of Kingdoms and Estates," with those in Sumner's oration on "The Grandeur of Nations."
Theme II. (original and corrected copy) and Theme III. to be handed in to their respective instructors Jan. 12 and Jan. 13.
Junior Themes. - Theme II. will be returned to sub-section 2, Cole to Fuller, in Sever 1, and G. H. Page to Sherwood in Sever 5, from 3 to 4 P. M. Returned to sub-section 3 Jan. 17.
The Harvard Union meets this evening at Sever 11. The question for debate is: Resolved, That the cabinet officers should be admitted to the floor of Congress.
English Literature lecture by Mr. Perry in Sever 11, at 3 P. M.
The last day of paying the first college bill of the year is Jan. 12.
Prof. Lovering on "Acoustics," 12 M., in Harvard Hall.
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