

At the dinner at Professor Norton's on June 9, given by the Committee to the members of the Greek play, the president, Professor Goodwin, in calling upon Mr. Henry Norman, '81, to respond to the toast of "The Cast," expressed the hope that Creon would give them the latest news from Delphi. After replying to the toast, Mr. Norman read the following verses, remarking that Apollo asked the indulgence of the company, as it was so long since he had been called upon to furnish any hexameters.

CARRY, O son of Menoeceus, these words to the sages of Cambridge :

Great is the work that ye did, and pleasing to all the immortals;

Welcome indeed to our ears were the sounds of the language of Homer,

Bearing again to Olympus the words that were dead and forgotten.


Stirring to see was your King, the unfortunate offspring of Laius,

Gracefully spoke he our tongue and graceful was all his demeanor;

Bravely he grappled with passion and bravely he fell 'neath the burden;

Whence he obtained such success, must remain - like himself - an enigma.

Ah, but how dear was Jocasta, - we pardon her impious sayings -

Lovely the folds of her garment and lovely the curve of her fingers.

Tender was she and pleasing to those who dwell on Olympus,

Queenly the entrance she made and piercing the cry of her exit,

Aristophanes' maiden is wrong when she boasts ???.

All the rest was well done, there was nothing to mar the completeness :
